Sunday 8 April 2012


On Thursday My friend Natalie and I went to this new salon in Sandton City called SOHO ( I lift Nat to varsity everyday and her way of paying me back/ bribing me was to take me to have my nails done. The salon seems big in the pictures but when you get there it is actually quite small. The staff are nice and it does feel very 'new yorkish' - or what i can imagine NY to be like. I had my nails done in Essie Loophole, which looks awesome. I've put some pictures so you can see. We thought it might be cool have some nail art done. This was kind of a bad idea. The manicurists weren't too experienced and sort of made a mess of it! Anyway, my nails look cool despite my thumbs looking like a 3 year old had a decorating game them.

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