Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter Treats. Oh Yeah.

I bake. I bake lots of things.
Today - being Easter - I made an easter cake. The recipe is so simple and takes about 4 minutes to mix up. Yes its predictable but the recipe came from my grandmother. The cake is lifted from being a usual chocolate cake to being something rich and moist, by simply adding a sachet of chocolate pudding.
I use:
1 pack Moirs chocolate cake mix
1 pack chocolate pudding
4 eggs
1 cup of oil
1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup water
Bake at 180* for about 40 minutes. Boom done.

I used a ganache icing which is really simple to make.
200g chopped dark chocolate - use a really good one, else it is bad. Probs Lindt 70%.
200ml cream.
Heat the cream in a pot until its boiling.
Take off the heat and add in the chopped chocolate. Whisk until the chocolate is melted - the heat of the cream will melt the chocolate.
Put this in the fridge for about an hour and stir every 20 minutes. The longer you leave it in the fridge, the thicker it will get.

So its up to you!

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